5 Ways to Beat Burnout

Who doesn’t feel stretched or overwhelmed at times? But when stress becomes chronic, debilitating or a serious issue affecting not only your performance but your well-being both personally and professionally it can lead to burnout.

Some of the symptoms of burnout are exhaustion, cynicism, and feelings of incompetence. Anyone from medical residents, finance professionals, founders, executives, athletes, and celebrities can experience burnout, overwhelm and stress at any time. 

To beat burnout, steps must be taken when stress, overwhelm and fatigue are experienced. 

How to manage the stress that can cause burnout consists of a process that involves noticing and acknowledging the symptoms, examining the underlying causes, and developing a proactive plan and strategies that you can implement into your life. 

Here are 5 ways that you can do to beat burnout:

  1. Take a vacation. Take a break. To operate at 100% effectiveness rest is required to re-charge your battery. It is so simple, yet so overlooked and forgotten.

  2. Schedule in free time & fun. Most of my business and life successes have come during the times that I was having the most fun. It can be all work and all play in the same sentence, both can co-exist at the same time.

  3. Know your breaking point. Such common sense; but how many people know their breaking point yet keep going? We go past our limits in an unhealthy way at our own expense of ourself. Many of us are great at taking care of everyone and everything else except ourselves.

  4. Drink more water, get more sleep, & eat healthier. Again simple, yet what happens when you have a back-to-back day. Do you forget to drink water, forget to eat, or not get enough sleep? It happens. And if you need to schedule these things in, do it; because if we are not feeling at our most optimal level how can we expect to perform sustainability at the most optimal times.

  5. Take a 5-day pleasure challenge. When was the last time you experienced pleasure? When was the last time you asked yourself, how good can I stand it? If you can’t answer those questions, it’s time to take the 5-day pleasure challenge. A few days to do the things that bring you the most pleasure.

What are you going to take action on?


Release Stress in Just 10 Minutes with These 10 Things That You Can Do